Videos from The Effect

Chapter 1: Designing Research

Ep. 1: Designing Research

Chapter 2: Research Questions

Ep. 2: Research Questions

Chapter 3: Describing Variables

Ep. 3: Types of Variables

Ep. 4: Summarizing Variables

Ep. 5: Theoretical Distributions

Chapter 4: Describing Relationships

Ep. 6: Conditional Distributions

Ep. 7: Line-Fitting

Ep. 8: Conditional Conditional Means a.k.a. Control Variables

Chapter 5: Identification

Ep. 9: Data Generating Processes

Ep. 10: Alternative Explanations

Ep. 11: Alcohol and Mortality

Chapter 6: Causal Diagrams

Ep. 12: Causality

Ep. 13: Causal Diagrams

Chapter 7: Drawing Causal Diagrams

Ep. 14: Drawing Causal Diagrams

Ep. 15: Simplifying Causal Diagrams

Chapter 8: Causal Paths and Closing Back Doors

Ep. 16: Causal Pathways

Ep. 17: Closing Causal Pathways, and Collider Variables

Ep. 18: Testing Causal Diagrams, and Placebo Tests

Chapter 9: Finding Front Doors

Ep. 19: Finding Front Doors

Ep. 20: Front Door Examples

Chapter 10: Treatment Effects

Ep. 21: Treatment Effects

Ep. 22: Conditional Average Treatment Effects

Ep. 23: Weighted Average Treatment Effects

Chapter 11: Causality with Less Modeling

Ep. 24: Causality with Less Modeling

Chapter 12: Regression

Ep. 25: Regression and The Error Term

Ep. 26: Regression and Sampling Variation

Ep. 27: Reading Regression Tables

Ep. 28: Interpreting a Regression Coefficient

Ep. 29: Polynomials in Regression

Ep. 30: Logarithms in Regression

Ep. 31: Categorical Predictors

Ep. 32: Interaction Terms

Ep. 33: Your Standard Errors are Wrong

Ep. 34: Probit and Logit

Chapter 13: Matching

Ep. 35: Matching

Ep. 36: Five Questions About Matching

Ep. 37: Distance Matching

Ep. 38: Propensity Score Matching

Ep. 39: Coarsened Exact Matching and Entropy Balancing

Ep. 40: When Matching Goes Wrong

Ep. 41: Treatment Effect Estimation with Matching

Chapter 14: Simulation

Ep. 42: Simulation

Ep. 43: Running a Simulation

Ep. 44: Power Analysis

Chapter 15: Fixed Effects

Ep. 45: Fixed Effects

Ep. 46: Estimating Fixed Effects

Ep. 47: Random Effects

Chapter 16: Event Studies

Ep. 48: Event Studies

Ep. 49: Interrupted Time Series

Ep. 50: Event Studies in Finance

Chapter 17: Difference-in-Differences

Ep. 51: Difference-in-Differences

Ep. 52: Parallel Trends

Ep. 53: Estimating Difference-in-Differences

Ep. 54: Supporting Parallel Trends

Ep. 55: Dynamic Difference-in-Differences

Ep. 56: Staggered Treatment Difference-in-Differences

Chapter 18: Instrumental Variables

Ep. 57: Instrumental Variables

Ep. 58: Instrumental Variable Validity

Ep. 59: Estimating Instrumental Variables

Ep. 60: Testing Instrumental Variables Assumptions

Chapter 19: Regression Discontinuity

Ep. 61: Regression Discontinuity

Ep. 62: Estimating Regression Discontinuity

Ep. 63: Adjustments to Regression Discontinuity

Ep. 64: Checking Regression Discontinuity Assumptions

Chapter 20: Partial Identification

Ep. 70: Placeholder

Chapter 22: Under the Rug

Ep. 67: Measurement and Validity

Ep. 68: Missing Data

Ep. 69: Under the Rug