Educational Videos
This page lists the various series available on my YouTube channel. Feel free to subscribe! There are also a few one-off videos that are not a part of series on the channel.
Principles of Microeconomics

These video series are intended to accompany my Principles of Microeconomics course.

Principles of Microeconomics with Dr. HK

The first half of this playlist is lectures from my course, delivered straight to camera, and edited. The content is a bit outdated, and some changes have made to my current course, but maybe you prefer these! The second half of the playlist is shorter edited videos intended more as supplementary material.
Full Principles of Microeconomics Course

This is a series of filmed in-person lectures from my Fall 2021 Principles of Microeconomics courses, split into smaller videos and edited.

These series are focused more on coding, generally in either R or Stata, with a touch of Python in there as well.

Introduction to R for Economists

This series of videos will serve as an introduction to the R statistics language, targeted at economists. It’s a bit outdated and refers to several packages that I no longer use, like plm. There are some additional updated videos at the end of the playlist.
Data Wrangling

This playlist includes a bunch of videos dedicated to data wrangling and cleaning.
Stata Tips

A bunch of old videos I made with Stata tips in them! By far the most-watched thing on my channel.
Econometrics and Causality

These series cover econometrics and causality, with coverage of research design and estimation.

The Effect

This series follows my book The Effect, with videos going into detail and clear explanation on each chapter.

This series is videos related to (and from) my applied econometrics course, and follow along with the content in that course.

This series follows along with my Causality course, which is a very intro-level course designed to teach causality and causal inference before covering regression or other estimation methods.
Data Communications

These videos relate to data visualization and communications.

Data Communications

These videos follow along with my data communications / data visualization class.
Quick Steps to Nice Looking Statistical Tables for Research Papers (Word and LaTeX)

This describes the very simple steps for creating some very nice-looking tables for your research papers. It uses Stata to create the tables in the first place, but these steps could just as easily follow from a Stargazer output in R, or something else entirely. I won’t claim this is the only way to do it, but this is quick, easy, and always looks good!
Nine Explanations of the Monty Hall Problem

The birth of a thousand internet comments, the Monty Hall Problem does actually have a single correct solution (assuming it was described correctly - if they forgot to mention that Monty knows where the car is it is indeed 50:50!). This video has nine different explanations to provide an intuitive understanding of this strange result.
Troubleshooting Error Messages in your Code

Error messages! They are a constant part of trying to code. But too many students come up against one and have no idea what to do, or how to progress! But error messages are at least meant to be helpful. You can do this!
How to Interpret a Coefficient in a Regression

Not an intuitive process, interpreting those regression coefficients. But there’s a sly logic to them. This is an easily re-watchable video you can return to whenever you want to know about how to interpret a regression coefficient
How to Interpret a Regression with an Interaction Term

Interactions are consistently the most squirrely and hard-to-handle parts of the standard undergraduate econometrics toolbox. But they’re really straightforward, you just have to slow down and think about them, walk through it. This video will show you how.
Filepaths: Hidden Necessities!

This video goes into how filepaths and folder structures work, in case you started using a computer in the last, oh, fifteen years or so and this has been hidden from you.